Monday, November 1, 2010


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Article by Dr. Zoltan P. Rona MD MSc

Every major epidemiological study concludes that those who consume animal products, including milk, dairy products and chicken eggs, have significantly higher incidences of heart disease, cancer, diabetes, arthritis and osteoporosis.

Organic or not, studies show that meat eating is associated with greater morbidity and premature death. Vegetarians can run into problems if they rely too heavily on dairy products and wheat and do not eat a large variety of different vegetables, fruits, legumes and other whole grains.

It is not true that those with a compromised intestinal lining (celiac disease, colitis, Crohn's disease, etc.) should eat meats since a plant based diet that is gluten, lactose and sugar-free can be used with a great degree of success in the majority of these cases.

Only a little imagination and extra effort is required to put together such a diet. One excellent example of this is the UltraClear GIr program developed by Dr. Jeffrey Bland and used by over a thousand nutritional doctors around the world. The UltraClear GIr program is by no means 100% effective but there is also no evidence that a grain free diet effects a complete cure for candidiasis and chronic bowel disorders.

It is an established biochemical fact that all disease, especially cancer, heart disease, diabetes and arthritis exists in an acid medium. All animal products, refined foods and most grains create an acid condition in the body. Plant based diets create more of an alkaline body pH.

The meat based low carbohydrate or "cave man diet" advocated by many candida treatment gurus often does more harm than good because it creates an acid body pH and often a diseased state termed ketosis.

It is therefore not uncommon to see patients with celiac disease, Crohn's disease or candidiasis who have been on long term meat based diets suffering from the side effects of excess acid: greater fatigue, weight loss and dehydration. A common symptom of candidiasis is constipation, a nuisance worsened by meat consumption, organic or otherwise.

One of the standard but erroneous criticisms of plant based diets is its purported lack of iron. There is no evidence that vegetarian women who have stopped eating red meat are developing more iron deficiency. In my practice, the opposite appears to be the case.

The majority of women who suffer from anemia eat red meat on a regular basis. It might surprise you to know that the best sources of iron are vegetarian: HIGH IRON CONTAINING FOODS (Source: The Nutrient Content of Foods, Mineralab, Hayward, CA, 1979)

Mgs. iron per 100 grams (4 ounces) Foods

100.0 kelp
17.3 brewer's yeast
16.1 blackstrap molasses
14.9 wheat bran
11.2 pumpkin seeds
10.5 whole sesame seeds
9.4 wheat germ
8.8 beef liver
7.1 sunflower seeds
6.8 millet
6.2 parsley
6.1 clams
4.7 almonds
3.9 dried prunes
3.8 cashews
3.7 lean beef
3.5 raisins
3.4 Brazil nuts
2.9 pork
2.3 eggs
1.9 lamb
1.9 tofu
1.5 chicken
1.2 salmon

Another mistaken belief is that vitamin B12 is only available in animal foods. Recent studies have shown that some sea vegetables contain substantial amounts of vitamin B12, much more than enough to meet the nutritional needs of anyone.

The sea vegetables include arame, wakame and kombu. Others include hijiki, alaria and nori. Tempeh, sauerkraut, pickles and tamari also contain significant amounts of B12 as does miso provided it is unpasteurized and prepared with traditional miso cultures.

Vitamin B12 is manufactured by the body's friendly colonic bacteria. Deficiency is most often related to poor absorption, intrinsic factor deficiency and an abnormally altered gut flora, rather than a vegetarian diet.

For those who find sea vegetables and cultured soy products unpalatable or unavailable, I suggest the following natural food supplements which are rich in vitamin B12: Blue Green Algae, Chlorella, Barley Green and Spirulina.

Supplementing with lactobacillus acidophilus is yet another way of getting vitamin B12 into the body. All of these supplements are widely available at most health food stores.

The Recommended Daily Allowances for vitamin B12 for infants is 2 mcg., for children is 3 mcg., for adults is 6 mcg. and for pregnant and lactating mothers, 8 mcg. Check the labels to make sure you are getting at least these levels from any food supplements.

Other than cold water fish, the majority of which are contaminated with either mercury or polysyllabic carcinogens, omega 3 fatty acids are best derived from plant sources like flax seed oil, seeds, nuts and legumes.

There is growing evidence (see the book, A Cardiologist's Painless Prescription for a Healthy Heart and a Longer Life by Dr. Joe Goldstrich) that the fish sources of the omega 3 fatty acids can raise blood levels of both cholesterol and triglycerides.

According to numerous studies quoted in books like John Robbins' Diet For A New America and May All Be Fed, it is impossible to create a protein deficient diet provided adequate calories are consumed.

Vegetarians who suffer from fatigue, weakness or lightheadedness are most likely not taking in enough calories to meet their needs rather than suffering from a protein deficiency.

Some of the world's top endurance athletes (long distance runners, triatheletes, weight lifters, body builders, etc.) eat only plant based foods. There is absolutely nothing in animal based diets that cannot also be found in plants.

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