Friday, January 21, 2011

Calorie restriction news, articles and information (from

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Calorie restriction news, articles and information:

Calorie Restriction Extends Lifespan and Promotes Natural Weight Loss
9/30/2010 - There`s little doubt that the vast majority of children and adults alike eat considerably more calories than required to maintain an ideal weight. Many people are amazed to find out they`re nutritionally deficient despite the quantity of food they eat. Nutritional science is providing compelling evidence...

Benefit from Calorie Restriction and Intermittent Fasting, Part II
9/3/2010 - Part I reviewed the latest findings in longevity research. In a word, dietary restriction (DR) creates physiological changes that slow down aging and protects against age-related diseases. It is now known that these effects are related to insulin and that reducing insulin secretion plays a major role...

Benefit from Calorie Restriction and Intermittent Fasting, Part I
8/26/2010 - Seventy-five years of research shows that dietary restriction (DR) is the one tried and tested means to extend lifespan and to improve many markers of health. One form of DR is a calorie-restricted (CR) diet with optimal nutrition. The idea is to provide adequate nutrition with the least amount of...

Nutrient-rich, low-calorie diets actually reprogram fat cells to keep the body thin
1/17/2010 - A study appearing in the American Chemical Society's Journal of Proteome Research has given further insight into the correlation between calorie restriction and weight loss. While it is known that calorie-restricted diets are effective at helping people to lose weight, it has now been found that fat...

Calorie Restriction Diet Once Again Proven to Extend Lifespan
11/25/2009 - Monkeys fed a calorie-restricted diet were significantly less likely to die from cancer, heart disease or diabetes than monkeys fed a standard lab diet, in a study conducted by researchers from Washington University and published in the journal Science. Researchers observed 76 adult rhesus monkeys...

The Most Potent Intervention Known to Increase Longevity Revealed
7/19/2008 - Recent research is showing that Mother Nature does not look favorably on people who eat more than their fair share. People who overeat restrict their longevity and subject themselves to chronic and debilitating diseases. In fact, as unpleasant as this may sound, the most potent intervention known to...

Calorie Restriction in Non-Human Primates May Prevent, Reduce Alzheimer’s Neuropathology (press release)
11/13/2006 - A new study directed by Mount Sinai School of Medicine extends and strengthens the research that experimental dietary regimens might halt or even reverse symptoms of Alzheimer’s Disease (AD). The study entitled “Calorie Restriction Attenuates Alzheimer’s Disease Type Brain Amyloidosis in Squirrel Monkeys”...

Lower core body temperature linked with extended lifespan
11/3/2006 - A report appearing in the Nov. 3 issue of the journal Science states that lowering the core temperature of mice increased their lifespan by about 15 percent, casting new light on the debate over the role of lower body temperature from calorie restriction and its association with lifespan. Restricting...

People who restrict calories have 'younger' hearts (press release)
8/28/2006 - The hearts of people who follow a low-calorie, yet nutritionally balanced, diet resemble those of younger people when examined by sophisticated ultrasound function tests, and they tend to have more desirable levels of some markers of inflammation and fibrosis, according to a new study in the Jan. 17,...

Calorie Restriction May Prevent Alzheimer’s Disease (press release)
8/8/2006 - A recent study directed by Mount Sinai School of Medicine suggests that experimental dietary regimens might calm or even reverse symptoms of Alzheimer’s Disease (AD). The study, which appears in the July 2006 issue of the Journal of Biological Chemistry, is the first to show that restricting caloric...

Researchers Study Whether Cutting Calories May Help You Live Longer (press release)
7/27/2006 - Reducing calories over six months resulted in a decrease in fasting insulin levels and body temperature, two biomarkers of longevity, according to a study in the April 5 issue of JAMA. Longer studies are required to determine if calorie restriction changes the aging process in humans. Prolonged calorie...

Calorie restriction appears better than exercise at slowing primary aging (press release)
7/11/2006 - Investigators at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis have found that eating a low-calorie yet nutritionally balanced diet lowers concentrations of a thyroid hormone called triiodothyronine (T3), which controls the body's energy balance and cellular metabolism. The researchers also...

Calorie restriction shown to boost longevity and slow loss of muscle mass in animal experiment
7/10/2006 - A study recently published in the Journal of Gerontology: Biological Sciences suggests that eating less may help people stay strong even in old age. Scientists from the University of Calgary found that rats fed a nutritious, calorie-restricted diet maintained their muscle mass much better than...

Learn more: calorie restriction news and articles

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