Monday, January 3, 2011

Raw Culinary Wisdom

On 2011-01-03 I came across this site

The following is from

About Raw Culinary Wisdom.

Raw Culinary Wisdom. Plant Based Living Cuisine.

I created this site out of my passion from my business HEALTH AND HAPPINESS that offers culinary instruction for anyone who wants whole nutrient dense delicious food. Raw culinary wisdom will incorporate discussion forums to cover the topics of a well balanced body from the perspectives of medical experts with information about the health benefits of a raw plant based lifestyle. The audience will be colleagues who want to add discussion or other bits of personnel wisdom, students interested in learning how to cook and people who are curious how to be disease free. I will be adding posts that will include recipes, group discussion and new learnings. The purpose of the site is to create collaboration, expand on ideas and share our collective wisdom for ultimate health.

Thanks for checking in, and Let me hear from you!

Eva Tobie

Who is Eva?

Eva Tobie is a graduate of two culinary schools the first; Bowman Culinary College as a Holistic Nutritious Therapeutic chef and recently from the prestigious Living Light Culinary Arts Institute as a Raw Foods Chef Instructor and Nutrition Educator.

Eva has been a personal chef for a healthy Vegan family and teaches cooking classes in beautiful Nevada City, CA. Raised on a 65 acre organic vegetable farm in New Hampshire where her father was growing organic fruits and vegetables long before the term “organic” became fashionable. She was raised on farm fresh vegetables and fruit has returned to them for the abundant life giving properties.

She is also a;
Body worker,
Certified life coach,
Hospice volunteer,
Sacred Geometrics level II graduate
NIA dancer
Endangered species herbal gardener
and enjoys keeping pace with her two college age daughters.

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