Thursday, January 27, 2011

Green Smoothie: Orange + Carrot + Banana + Ice cubes + Organic Cai Xin, Chai Sim, Choy Sum, Choi Sum ( Botanical name: Brassica parachinensis)

Green Smoothie: Orange + Carrot + Banana + Ice cubes + Organic Cai Xin, Chai Sim, Choy Sum, Choi Sum ( Botanical name: Brassica parachinensis)

At about 5.30 pm on 2011-01-27 (Thursday) I made a green smoothie with the following:

(a) 110 grams of Orange without
(b) 80 grams of organic cai xin, Chai Sim, Choy Sum, Choi Sum ( Botanical name: Brassica parachinensis)
(c) 130 grams of Carrot without skin
(d) 120 grams of Banana without skin
(e) 200 grams of Ice cubes 100 grams

Key Nutrition Information of the smoothie:

Total Energy = About 229.6 Kcal
Total Dietary Fibre = About 11.56 grams

Method: Use Ice Function of Philips Blender HR 2094 to crush the ice first and use the Smoothie Function 4 times for about 30 seconds each time with a 5-second break in between.

Smoothie produced with Philips Blender HR 2094 = About 700 ml

No. of Serves = 2

Tasters: Myself

Verdict: Not bad because I am now used to green vegetable taste in the smoothie. I should have used about 150 grams of ice cube so that the smoothie is more concentrated.


(1) Cai Xin adds a ‘green’ element to the smoothie. Any smoothie with a green leaf vegetable as an ingredient will taste “green veg”!
(2) Botanical name of cai xin is Brassica parachinensis).
(3) The price of the organic cai xin was S$2.00 (about 300 grams) bought in a market nearby. The organic cai xin is a produce from
Fire Flies Health Farm
(4) An adult needs about 20 to 30 grams of dietary fibre for a smooth and good passing of motion (stools)

1 comment:

  1. What is really nice about the videos is that there's someone telling you what to do. It's kind of like watching TV, you plug in and turn off your mind. He tells you, do push ups, you do them you don't have to think about it. Workouts on my own are usually lackadaisical, I take longer and longer breaks or just decide it's time to hit the shower.
