Monday, January 17, 2011

Wheatgrass vs. common vegetables ( and B12 issue)

Info Source:

Wheatgrass vs. common vegetables

Table 1. Nutrient comparison of 1 oz (28.35 g) of wheatgrass juice, broccoli and spinach.


Wheatgrass Juice




860 mg

800 mg

810 mg


120 IU

177 IU

2658 IU

Vitamin E

880 mcg

220 mcg

580 mcg

Vitamin C

1 mg

25.3 mg

8 mg

Vitamin B12

0.30 mcg

0 mcg

0 mcg


21 mg

19 mg

14 mg


8 mg

6 mg

22 mg


7.2 mg

13 mg

28 mg


0.66 mg

0.21 mg

0.77 mg


42 mg

90 mg

158 mg

Data on broccoli and spinach from USDA database.[5] Data on Wheatgrass juice from indoor grown wheatgrass.[2]

B12 IssueWheatgrass proponent Schnabel claimed in the 1940s that "fifteen pounds of wheatgrass is equal in overall nutritional value to 350 pounds of ordinary garden vegetables",[2] a ratio of 1:23.[13] Despite claims of vitamin and mineral content disproportional to other vegetables, the nutrient content of wheatgrass juice is roughly equivalent to that of common vegetables (see table 1).

Wheatgrass is also thought to be superior to other vegetables in its content of Vitamin B12, a vital nutrient. Contrary to popular belief, B12 is not contained within wheat grass or any vegetable, rather it is a byproduct of the microorganisms living on plants.[14]. If plants are washed prior to consumption the water soluble B12 will be removed making most plants unreliable sources of B12.[15]

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for copying and pasting from wikipedia... lame
