Friday, April 1, 2011

My optimal blood pressure and pulse rate check on 2011-04-01, using Blood Pressure Monitor (OSIM I BPM Model OS-5000)

Note: This Post was re-arranged and changed to black text from Yellow on 2023-02-12at 1042 HR.


My optimal blood pressure and pulse rate check on 2011-03-31, using Blood Pressure Monitor (OSIM I BPM Model OS-5000) 

On 2011-04-01, Friday, at 0519 hour, just after waking from sleep, my blood pressure and heart beats using Blood Pressure Monitor (OSIM I BPM Model OS-5000): Systolic = 112 Diastolic= 65 Pulse/min (heart beats/min) = 59 (I wish it could have been lower!) 

My blood pressure was optimal and pulse rate was good. 

Calorie Restriction lifestyle with healthy plant-based diet is the main reason for the above good results although I hardly do any physical exercise! 

I check my blood pressure and pulse rate almost daily after waking up in the morning. If you have any comments and advice, please let me know. 

Thank you. HL123

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