Sunday, May 22, 2011

How Colours affect you.

Straits Times, Mind Your Body dated 2011-0519, Thursday.

The colour red stimulates brain wave activity and increases heart rate and blood pressure. This can explain why many fast cars are painted red.
The colour red may also stimulate aggression and agitation in people. Therefore, people who have problems managing their anger may need to avoid this colour in their environment.

The colour orange is invigorating and stimulates the mind.
Orange is often associated with food and some studies have shown that like the colour yellow, it stimulates appetite.
Orange is often used in active environments such as entertainment areas and fast-food restaurants.

A warm colour, it reflects more light than green and blue, and is more stimulating. Some may associate it with feeling cheerful and being energetic.
But looking at the colour yellow for too long may over-stimulate the eyes and cause irritation and fatigue.

A cool colour that is soothing and relaxing to the mind and body.
It is considered the most restful colour for the eyes. It is sometimes used by therapists to calm down emotionally troubled people.

Another cool colour which has a calming effect as it reminds people of the sky and sea.
American art historian and expert in colour theory, Faber Birren, said that blue promotes oxidation in the tissues and lowers respiration rate and blood pressure.

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