Monday, May 2, 2011

Is drinking milk healthy for humans?

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Is drinking milk healthy for humans?

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1 comment:

  1. As long as I can remember I have suffered ear problems. Ten years ago, after having various allergy tests done, I decided to go completely off dairy. Hard to do. There are so many commercial products that contain dairy. But I managed to do it for six months and my ear problems disappeared. I am now 58 and feel better than I ever have. The only dairy I have now is a little milk in my tea and treat myself to cheese on special occasions (I lovvvvvvvve cheese), and yogurt, other than that, I stay away from dairy. I know when I have overdosed on cheese, because I feel it in my ears. By staying mostly away from dairy, I have put on weight (I was always skinny with a bloated tummy). I don't suffer with stomach crampes any more either. Visiting my Doctors, with my son, he asked how I was, and when telling him I cut dairy from my diet and now don't have any ear problems, he just gave me a morified look with no comment. I have always eaten very healthy and by including dairy, I believed and was taught, dairy was part of a healty diet. I now know differant :)
