Wednesday, June 1, 2011

“Why Do Vegetarians and Vegans Weigh Less?” by Sara Novak

The following is the extract of the article “Why Do Vegetarians and Vegans Weigh Less?” by Sara Novak published in on Tue May 17, 2011 11:30.

“First off, this isn't true of all vegetarians and vegans. It's usually those that eat a whole foods diet full of fruits, vegetables, soy, beans, nuts, seeds and free of processed foods, that enjoy the most weight loss. This results because the meat-free whole food choices tend to be less calorie dense. Animal proteins tend to be more calorie dense than plant-based proteins.

For example, a 4 oz serving of garbanzo beans has 135 calories and 2 grams of fat while a 4 oz piece of filet has 232 calories and 10 grams of fat. A 4 oz serving of firm tofu has 88 calories and 5 grams of fat and a 4 oz serving of salmon has 237 calories and 29 grams of fat.

While there are some less caloric choices like skinless chicken breast or a lean leg of lamb, when you break down the numbers, there tend to be more calories in meat than plant-based protein sources.

Healthy vegetarians and vegans also eat a lot more, you guess it, fruits and vegetables. Eating loads of fiber-filled fruits and veggies tend to fill you up faster with less calories.

Vegans Weigh Even Less

Vegans experience more dramatic weight loss when compared to vegetarians because they don't eat any animal products like butter, cheese, and eggs.

Not having cheese on that veggie sandwich or stinky bleu cheese atop your salad means less calories in the end. There are fewer calorie dense sources of food on a vegan diet and the foods that are fatty are loaded with healthful nutrients, specifically raw nuts, seeds, and avocado. “

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