Friday, September 2, 2011

Excellent Source for Free Nutrition Videos by Michael Greger, M.D.

The following is from:
Vegetarian Society (Singapore) VSS eNewsletter 1 September 2011 ========================================
We received this from one of the world's top veg nutrition experts: Michael Greger, M.D., Director, Public Health and Animal Agriculture, Humane Society of the United States | Humane Society International | Humane Society Institute of Science and Policy,
Dr Michael Greger's message:
"I thought you might want to alert your members about a new resource,, a labor of love featuring all the videos from all my past Latest in Clinical Nutrition DVDs split into hundreds of bite-sized topical segments that can be searched and shared. Everything's free. It's strictly non-commercial (no ads, not selling anything), strictly science-based (I even have links to all the primary source citations). And the best part is that starting today I'm going to upload a brand new video every day, seven days a week, for at least the first 365 days.
In addition to checking out the site and sharing it with their friends, folks can also subscribe to the daily video feed ( or follow it on facebook ( and twitter (
My dream is for this to grow into an authoritative source on the latest in plant-based nutrition and would very much appreciate anything you can do to promote it to your lists."

– Michael Greger.

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