Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Why Eat Eggs? ( By www.bordereggs.co.uk)

Info Source: http://www.bordereggs.co.uk/10.html

Fresh, Organic, Free Range Eggs

Why Eat Eggs?
Eggs are one of nature's most nutritious and versatile foods, they can play an important part in a healthy lifestyle. Eggs contain the right kind of fat. One egg contains just 5 grams of fat and only 1.5 grams of that is saturated fat. Eggs are one of the only foods that contain naturally occurring vitamin D.

The Benefits of Eating Eggs: Eggs are low in calories and could actually protect against heart disease, breast cancer and eye problems and even help you to lose weight. Eggs are actually good for you. They are rich in nutrients, one egg provides 13 essential nutrients, all in the yolk (egg whites contain albumen, an important source of protein, and no fat). You should keep eggs in the fridge in their box and eat them by the use-by date.

Fresh, organic eggs that are certified salmonella-free are an excellent food. They contain high levels of selenium which may be lacking in the diet and have cancer- and heart disease-fighting qualities. They're a good source of iodine, which can help to promote healthy thyroid activity and also contain lecithin, a substance that can help to prevent heart disease and gallstones. Eggs are rich in vitamins and minerals, including vitamin E and zinc – both lacking in many older people's diets – as well as the B group, which helps nerve health and stress, and protein. Aim to have about four eggs a week unless you have specifically been told to avoid cholesterol in your diet.

Essential Nutrients
These FAQ's attempt to answer questions that you might have about the nutritional value of eggs including protein, amino acids, vitamins and minerals.

Question 1: Are eggs a high quality source of protein?
Answer Yes, Eggs contain all nine essential amino acids making them an excellent source of high quality protein.

Question 2: What is the nutritional value of an egg?
Answer Eggs have a high nutrient density because they provide significant amounts of vitamins and minerals, yet contain only 71 calories.

Question 3: Are protein foods an important part of a healthy diet?
Answer Yes. Protein is essential for building and repairing tissue. It is also necessary for proper growth and development. Muscles, organs, skin, hair as well as antibodies, enzymes, and hormones are all made from protein.

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