Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Skin Matters - Nutrition & Water (American Skin Association)


Nutrition & Water

Eating a well-balanced diet helps insure that your body gets all the vitamins it needs to maintain healthy skin. The following nutrients help the life of your skin:

  • Vitamin A - Helps maintain healthy, smooth skin and hair
  • Riboflavin (B1) - Helps prevent skin disorders, especially around the nose, lips and mouth
  • Niacin - Helps prevent skin disorders, especially on parts of the body exposed to the sun
  • Vitamin B6 - Helps prevent skin disorders and cracks around the mouth
  • Vitamin C - Keeps skin smooth
  • Vitamin D - Helps keep skin healthy. (This "sunshine vitamin" is also manufactured by the skin with the help of sunlight.)
  • Water is the most important nutrient we consume. The human body is anywhere from 55 to 75 percent water. Without water, we could not survive. It is recommended that people drink 8 glasses of water a day.

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