Sunday, February 5, 2012

A dinner-cum-lecture on vegan lifestyle by Olive Green (Singapore) on every last Sunday of the month

A dinner-cum-lecture on vegan lifestyle by Olive Green (Singapore) on every last Sunday of the month

According to the report by Natasha Ann Zachariah In the Sunday Times dated 5 Feb 2012, every last Sunday of the month, Olive Green Marketing Pte. Ltd. holds a dinner-cum-lecture at the factory for free to spread the word about the benefits of the vegan lifestyle.

About 50 to 60 people turn up each time. There are often new faces amid family and friends.

Mr Desmond Tan of Olive Green says: 'People come because they want to learn health tips from us and find out how to change their diet as well as ask questions about why certain food is bad for us.'

He quips: 'In the past, people would just turn up during dinner time for the free food and leave after that.'

While it might seem like a lot of work for their beliefs, the Tans are not content with being pamphlet-pushers.


Olive Green

2 Toh Tuck Link
#05-03, Singapore 596225

Tel: +65 67671301
Fax: +65 67679908


For the complete report, please visit

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