Sunday, February 5, 2012

Vegan family (A Vegan boy and his diet)

Vegan family (A Vegan boy and his diet)

The following is extracted from

First published on 5 Feb 2012, Sunday. Reported by Kimberly Spykerman.


Quek Xufeng is five years old and, rarely for kids these days, he has never tasted a hamburger.

Just like his parents Mr Quek Sio Hua and MADAM HONG MEISHAN, he is a vegan and does not eat anything that is of animal origin. This rules out meat, fish, eggs and milk products, although he does sometimes consume products such as a gelatinous dessert made of sea algae and sugar.

MADAM HONG has not been without her detractors. Her parents did not share her beliefs and felt that Xufeng needed meat in his diet to be healthy. But she insists that he is no less healthier than his peers who eat meat.

The boy eats tofu, nuts and beans for protein and she also feeds him herbal supplements.

Madam Hong also substitutes cow's milk with oat, barley, sesame and brown rice milk. And the bread the family eats is baked by her and contains no milk or butter. She uses olive oil as a substitute.

For the complete report please visit

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