Friday, March 9, 2012

Cancer Through a Carer's Eyes... (Book "Lean on me " by Lorraine Kember

Mesothelioma was the furthest thing from Brian Kember's mind when at the age of fifty two he began to experience shortness of breath.

Exposed to Asbestos as a child living with his parents in the asbestos mining town of Wittenoom in Western Australia; he could not have imagined that forty five years later, he would be diagnosed with pleural mesothelioma and given a prognosis of three to nine months. So began Brian's courageous two year battle with this debilitating disease and his wife Lorraine's emotional journey of care.

Her determination to care for her husband at home and to ensure that he did not suffer unnecessary pain, resulted in him attaining a quality of life few thought possible.

'Lean on Me' Cancer through a Carer's Eyes is Lorraine and Brian's inspirational true story.

If you are caring for a loved one with Mesothelioma or cancer of any kind, you need to read this book.

Uniquely combining both the physical and emotional impact of caring for a loved one with cancer, 'Lean on Me' includes insight and discussion on: pain control, symptom management and coping with grief as well as many excerpts and poems from Lorraine's personal diary.

These deeply moving pieces, penned by Lorraine as she cared for her dying husband, offer a rare insight into 'anticipatory grief', the roller coaster of emotions we experience upon the terminal diagnosis of a loved one.

For more info, please visit

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