Friday, May 25, 2012

My first soy milk made with Joyoung (Soy Milk Maker) Multifunctional Grain Milk and paste maker Model: DJ14C-D06B(S) on 2012-05-25

My first soy milk made with Joyoung (Soy Milk Maker) Multifunctional Grain Milk and paste maker Model: DJ14C-D06B(S) at 0955 hr to 1015 hr on 2012-05-25, Friday. 

The net weight of soy beans used was abought 80 grams before soaking for 6 hours.

The maker was bought on 2012-05-12, Saturday at S$223.20. 

More details as how to make it and my comments will be posted later. 

Below is a glass of the soy milk made.

Soy pulp (Douzha in Chinese or Okara in Japanese) is the insoluble carbohydrate residue that is left over after the production of soy milk.

The following is the soy pulp left behind after I made the soy milk.

I am thinking of how to put the soy pulp to better use next time other than just throwing it away.


  1. Hi,
    I am interested in acquiring the Joyoung soymilk maker and wonder if you would recommend it. Is this the only model available in Singapore? I noted from Joyoung's china website that there are many models. Do you know what the differences are? I apologize for asking so many questions. Thank you in advance and I look forward to your reply.

  2. Hi Hazel,

    Many thanks for your message.

    I bought Joyoung soymilk maker model DJ14C-D06B (S) no long
    ago and only used it once. I am not in a position to give you any

    If your objective is to cultivate a habit to make and consume
    healthy whole food for yourself and family, I would say the soymilk maker is a good investment.

    Based on what I know, the importer KAN WANG ENTERPRISE PTE.LTD., only sells model DJ14C-D06B (S).

    If you need any clarification, please contact:

    47 Jalan Pemimpin #02-06 Halcyon 2 Building, Singapore 577200.
    Tel: 6242 0768
    Fax: 6633 7920

    Best regards,
