Saturday, November 17, 2012

Making of dehydrated banana for the first time on 2012-11-17 with RenkiFood Dehydrator.

On 2012-11-17, Saturday at 1448 hour, I started to use Renki Food Dehydrator for the first time to make dehydrated banana. One medium to large size banana was used. No. of tray used = One. Temperature set = 55 degrees C. Expected dehydration time = 8 to 10 hours. I would let you know the outcome later.

On 18-11-2012, I had to switch off the dehydrator after more than 33 hours even though the banana pieces were still not yet fully dried and crunchy. They Were soft but still sticky. Actually since 8.00 am on 18-11-2012
I set the temperature to 75 degrees Celsius most of the time until I switched the dehydrator.

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