Sunday, December 16, 2012

M1 brand canned mackerel = new brand mackerel in the local market as at 2012-12-14

On 2012-12-14, Saturday I bought a can of M1 brand mackerel in tomato sauce (net weight 426 grams, Production date: 16/02/2012 and Expiry date: 16/02/2015 (351). Ref: On top =  353-4160212 and just below = 3502/01033)  from the small ECON shop near my home at S$1.30 ( promotion price) for a source of my omega 3 and vitamin D. This M1 mackerel is new in the market and is a product of Makmur Malaya Sdn Bhd ( The Ayam brand mackerel (426 grams) is being sold at S$3.30 at TL .

Note: I would rinse off the tomato sauce with tap water before warming the up mackerel.

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