Sunday, December 16, 2012

Youtube: Dr. Oz on ANTIOXIDANTS PT 1 and DR Oz's Skin Carotenoid Score (SCS) in the video was 75,000


Previous to the show Oz gaveeveryone the ultimate nutritional detector test that measures the Carotenoidsin your skin which can help indicate the overall antioxidant health in yourbody. The machine is known as Bio-Photonic Scanner. It returns a Score known asSkin Carotenoid Score (SCS) that indicates how good your immune system is.

With the Carotenoid score you wantto be in the blues, and most of the studio audience 40% were in the red andanother 40% of the audience scored in the orange. Both are dangerously lowlevels of antioxidants in the body. There were only a couple in the green andblue of the Carotenoid Score Test.
Dr Oz did the Carotenoid Test andgot 75,000, he top the chart, and said he got such a high score because he eatsall the things we should be eating.
Dr. Oz says 2-3 servings a fruit and vegetablesa day is not enough, we need 7-9 servings a day, the size of your fist.


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