Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Almond was used for the first time in my orange plus apple smoothie on 2 January 2013 using Philips blender HR2094.

Almond was used for the first time in my orange plus apple smoothie on at 12.30 pm on 2 January 2013 using Philips blender HR2094 (750 watts).

Apple 159g before peeling, net weight 115g (59.8 kcal)
Orange 208g before peeling, net weight 150g (70.5 kcal)
Raw Almonds 8g (8 pieces, total 48.9 kcal)
Plain water 100ml
Total energy = About 179.2 kcal
Total smoothie: 380ml

Drinker: me.

Comment: The almond was well blended and cut into very very small pieces and smoothie taste was very good!

Note: Based info on the Internet,
100g apple has 52 kcal energy
100g orange has 47 kcal energy
100g almond has 611.6 kcal energy

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