Friday, April 19, 2013

Health benefits of multigrains

The following information has been extracted from :

Multigrain foods will be high in complex carbohydrates and protein. Complex carbs are great for energy production, and this can help with exercise and losing weight. They break down slower so they can provide energy over a longer period of time. They can be found in foods in their most natural condition like breads with multiple whole grains. The levels of protein will aid the body in tissue repair and production of antibodies that will help fight sickness or infection.

In addition, they will contain nutrients, fiber and essential minerals like magnesium, copper and iron. Multigrains that contain whole grains will be filled with essential fatty acids, B-vitamins, starch and fiber. Magnesium will help build strong bones and teeth. It will also help with metabolism. Fiber is great in helping the body stay regular and maintaining a healthy colon.

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