Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Neither recipes created by television chefs nor ready meals sold by three of the leading UK supermarkets complied with World Health Organisation's recommendations.

Please refer to the article titled "Nutritional content of supermarket ready meals and recipes by television chefs in the United Kingdom: cross sectional study." Published in the 14th December 2012 issue of British Medical Journal.

CONCLUSIONS: Neither recipes created by television chefs nor ready meals sold by three of the leading UK supermarkets complied with WHO recommendations. Recipes were less healthy than ready meals, containing significantly more energy, protein, fat, and saturated fat, and less fibre per portion than the ready meals.

Remember what you put into your mouth becomes your body.

If you eat unhealthy and non-nutritious foods often you are harming yourself like a frog being cooked in gradually heating up water in a cooking pot!

PS. The relevant web link is

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