Monday, June 24, 2013

Healthy diet recommended by American Heart Association

Healthy diet recommended by American Heart Association:

Info source:

As part of a healthy diet, an adult consuming 2,000 calories daily should aim for:

Fruits and vegetables: At least 4.5 cups a day

Fish (preferably oily fish): At least two 3.5-ounce servings a week

Fiber-rich whole grains: At least three 1-ounce-equivalent servings a day

Sodium: Less than 1,500 mg a day

Sugar-sweetened beverages: No more than 450 calories (36 ounces) a week

Other Dietary Measures:

Nuts, legumes and seeds: At least 4 servings a week

Processed meats: No more than 2 servings a week

Saturated fat: Less than 7% of total energy intake

The American Heart Association recommends that you eat a wide variety of nutritious foods daily. Remember, even simple, small changes can make a big difference in living a better life.

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