Friday, June 28, 2013

What are wholegrain cereals? And examples

What are wholegrain cereals? And examples

Info source:

Wholegrain cereals include wheat, rice, corn, oats, rye, barley and millet. Wholegrain cereals contain the three layers of the grain. 

Wholemeal foods are made from wholegrains which have been crushed to a finer texture. Nutritionally, wholegrain and wholemeal foods are very similar.

Examples of wholegrain cereals are:

Wholemeal or multi-grain bread, muffins and crumpets

Wholegrain or whole-wheat breakfast cereals or muesli

Wholemeal or mixed grain crisp bread

Brown rice, rice cakes

Wholemeal pasta

Corn, oats, quinoa, unpearled barley, millett or amaranth

Cracked wheat (bulgur)

Wholegrain cereals contain more fibre, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants than refined cereal foods such as white bread, because many of the important nutrients occur in the outer layer of the grain which is lost during processing.

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