Thursday, July 25, 2013

About Edible Gardens, Singapore -- a social enterprise which helps people grow their own food in Songapore

About Edible Gardens, Singapore -- a social enterprise which helps people grow their own food in Songapore

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About Edible Gardens, Singapore

Edible Gardens LLP was started as a social enterprise in June 2012 by three eco-conscious musketeers who are passionate about championing the “Grow Your Own Food” movement in land-scarce and import-dependent Singapore, where food safety and security are taken for granted.

We believe that every urbanite can grow his/her own vegetables and herbs, even in the smallest way.

We provide bespoke urban farm consultancy, focusing on designing, building and more importantly, maintaining (by educating and guiding our clients) edible gardens in tropical urban environment. Our mantra: Beautiful gardens should be productive too.

Collectively, our team has close to 15 years of farming experience. Our head designer has won several awards in garden design and construction in the United Kingdom. We understand farming and subscribe to sustainable agriculture, using traditional natural methods and recycling resources and minimizing waste.

For more info, please visit 

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