Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Cancer prevention and food

Cancer prevention and food.

The following is from 

There are a number of different foods that may help to prevent certain types of cancer. “For example, tomatoes, watermelon, and other foods containing lycopene have evidence showing that they probably reduce the risk of prostate cancer,” Bender says.

But if you’re aiming to slice your risk of many cancers across the board, load your plate with plants, particularly non-starchy vegetables and fruits. 

That’s why American Institute for Cancer Research (AICR) report’s No. 4 recommendation is to eat mostly foods that come from plants -- at least 14 ounces (about 400 grams) every day. 

The Mediterranean diet, St. Tropez diet, and the green diet all are based on a diet rich in fruits and vegetables. 

Diets that tend to prevent cancer are rich in plant-based foods.

American Institute for Cancer Research (AICR) AICR’s “new American plate” plan offers an easy cheat sheet on eating to prevent cancer. 

Fruits, vegetables, beans, and whole grains should cover two-thirds of your plate; the other one-third should contain lean meats, fish, and low-fat dairy.

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