Friday, July 5, 2013

How to cook multi whole grain cereal (in powder form) in a microwave oven.

I cooked multi whole grain cereal (in powder form) on 2013-07-04 by microwave oven.

The cereal consisted of organic brown rice, organic buckwheat, organic polenta, black glutinous rice, organic hulled millet, soya beans, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, almond, walnut and black sesame powder. 

(1) The cereal was ground into powder by Braun blender chopper and placed in a big white poreclain bowel before cooking.

(2) Added 2 cups of just boiled plain water.

(3) Stirred it well to make sure no lumps formed.

(4) cooked in microwave oven for 3 minutes.

(5) After 3 minutes, took out the bowl and stirred the cereal well to make sure no lumps inside.

(6) cooked again microwave oven for 3 minutes.

(7) after 3 minutes, took the bowl from the oven and added a table spoonful of black sesame powder. Added some plain  water and stirred thoroughly.

(8) The multi whole grain cereal was ready for consumption.

(9) My comment:  Very tasty. Healthy and nutritious. 

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