Friday, August 23, 2013

Foods to Consume and foods to limit to Help Fight Alzheimer's

Foods to Consume and foods to limit to Help Fight Alzheimer's

The following info is from
"Alzheimer's, Dementia and Diet"
by Laura MacDougall,  Personal Chef and Owner of Home Plate Advantage

Foods to Consume to Help Fight Alzheimer's

Adding foods with unsaturated fats (olive oil, avocado, nuts), vitamin C (citrus, sweet potatoes, leafy greens), vitamin D3 (fatty fish and eggs), vitamin E (sunflower seeds, paprika, dried apricots, nuts), folate (leafy greens, edamame, and beans) and vitamin B12 (seafood and lean beef) may be protective against Alzheimer's disease.

Eating a diet heavy in foods that are high in antioxidants, including spinach and blueberries, is recommended by the Alzheimer's Research and Prevention Foundation. It especially recommends fish and vegetarian protein sources, because they don't add to your consumption of saturated fats.

Adding tumeric to your diet can help fight inflammation and may offer some protection against Alzheimer's. Following the Mediterranean diet may make the most difference, according to the Fisher Center for Alzheimer's Research Foundation. Ginger, 2-4 cups of green tea daily, soy and dark berries are also shown to be very beneficial in the fight against Alzheimer's. Although not as powerful as tea, coffee also offers brain benefits, though more beneficial for the ladies. Sorry gentlemen.

Foods to Limit in the Fight Against Alzheimer's

Limiting saturated and trans fats found in meats, any meat with nitrates (hot dogs, cold cuts) and dairy, including margarines, will help reduce the free radicals in your system, which can do damage to your cells and your brain. Sugar is also a danger in that it can speed up the progression of Alzheimer's. Go for the sugar free bittersweet chocolate or dried apricots if you really need a sweet.

Foods choices to consider

When thinking of your meals, think a dark green salad with dried fruit, nuts or seeds and an olive oil based vinaigrette. Think salmon, broccoli, quinoa with edammame, and berries for dessert. I love this recipe myself. Not a fan of fish? Chicken breasts stuffed with raisins and sauteed kale is delicious too.
Add fresh berries to your muffins, pancakes or just in a bowl for breakfast. Try almond or soy milk on your cereal or this decadent (only in taste) quinoa bake for breakfast.

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