Thursday, August 15, 2013

Multi whole grains of at least 150 grams should be taken daily to prevent cancer

To prevent cancer , the 7 or more serves of grains (whole grains are preferred) daily are recommended in 

Which reads "Eating seven or more serves daily of a variety of grains, grain products, legumes, roots and tubers will also provide protective benefits against cancer. The less processed the grains, the better. Oats, whole grains, brown rice, corn, rye, kidney beans and lentils are all good foods to consume. Diets high in refined starch and refined sugar may increase the risk of stomach cancer and bowel cancer. "

My suggestion is that we should take at least 7 or more serve of multi whole grains+nuts+seeds+beans daily. 

I take at least 150 grams of multi whole grains+nuts+seeds+beans daily. 

Note: A serving or a serve of whole grains is 16 grams (16g) of whole grains.

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