Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Natural ways to prevent hearing loss or alleviate hearing problem (including eating whole grains, seeds, nuts, fresh vegetables and fruits)

Natural ways to prevent hearing loss or alleviate hearing problem (including eating whole grains, seeds, nuts, fresh vegetables and fruits)

The following is extracted and adapted from:

What did you say? Natural ways to prevent hearing loss

Once you begin to suffer from hearing loss usually the only ‘treatment’ offered by doctors is hearing aids – a solution many patients reject as uncomfortable and ineffective. 

There are a a number of more natural approaches worth trying which can work to improve hearing loss and prevent further damage to the ear.

Good nutrition. 

Make sure your diet is low in saturated animal fat and refined carbohydrates. 

Ears are nourished by the body’s blood supply. 

Fatty foods can reduce blood supply to the ears in the same way they can reduce blood supply to other parts of the body. 

In your diet, boost  the levels of 

1. whole grains, 
2. seeds, 
3. nuts, 
4. fresh vegetables and fruits. 

In your diet, Include plenty of cold-water fish (i.e. salmon, trout, albacore tuna, herring, mackerel, sardines, and anchovies) rich in omega 3 fatty acids. 

Omega 3’s are heart protective and this can translate into better hearing.

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