Sunday, August 25, 2013

What is the ideal Variety of plants to be taken daily? See the opinion of

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What is the ideal Variety of plants to be taken daily? See the opinion of 

So how important is variety?

Many of us, myself included subscribe to the “more is better” mentality. If a few plants are good, more is better, right? All those plants have a different blend of nutrients, right? More is better, right?

Maybe, maybe not
Globally, many long lived, healthy cultures ate relatively few foods.

 The Tarahumara got 90% of their calories from two foods: Corn and beans. 

The Okinawans got 70+% of their calories from sweet potatoes. Ditto for Papua New Guinea. But that’s calories. Many vegetables, herbs and spices are very low in calories but could contribute a lot of nutrients.

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