Friday, September 20, 2013

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) diet and junk food

ADHD: What Is It?
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a condition that robs children of their ability to focus and pay attention. Kids with ADHD are fidgety and easily distracted. This makes it difficult to stay "on task," whether it's listening to a teacher or finishing a chore. The National Institute of Mental Health estimates 3% to 5% of kids have ADHD, but some experts believe that figure could be as high as 10%.

ADHD Diets
The jury is still out on whether diet may improve ADHD symptoms. While studies on ADHD diets have produced mixed results, some health experts believe foods that are good for the brain could reduce symptoms of ADHD. High-protein foods, including eggs, meat, beans, and nuts, may improve concentration. It might also be helpful to replace simple carbs, like candy and white bread, with complex carbs, like pears and whole-grain bread. Talk to your pediatrician before making any dramatic changes to your child's diet.

ADHD and Junk Food
While many kids bounce off the walls after eating junk food, there is no evidence that sugar is a cause of ADHD. The role of food additives is less certain. Some parents believe preservatives and food colorings worsen the symptoms of ADHD, and the American Academy of Pediatrics says it's reasonable to avoid these substances. 

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