Thursday, September 12, 2013

Book "Doctor's Detox Diet the Ultimate Weight Loss Prescription "

Book "Doctor's Detox Diet the Ultimate Weight Loss Prescription " 

Author: Dr. Christine Gerbstadt , MD, RD.

ISBN: 9780983527671

Published : 2012

About the author

Christine Gerbstadt MD, RD is a Harvard-trained physician who is also board certified in anesthesiology. She earned her medical degree from the Medical College of Pennsylvania, a Bachelor of Science in Nutrition from Penn State University, and a Master of Public Health from the University of California at Berkeley. A Registered Dietitian, Christine is a spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. She is also holds fitness credentials with the American College of Sports Medicine and the American Council on Exercise.

Product Description
Forget everything you have ever heard or read about weight loss. Forget about low-carbs and all-you-can-eat protein. Forget about counting calories, miracle solutions, and empty promises. It's time to get serious about your weight gain and address it for what it is —— a medical problem. Dr. Christine Gerbstadt's Doctor’s Detox Diet® is a science-based plan designed to heal and strengthen your body’s natural detoxification system, or what she calls your SKILL© —— Skin, Kidney, Intestine, Lymphatic, and Liver. These systems work together and independently to remove toxins and waste, fight inflammation, and speed-up metabolism to burn fat, keep it off, and create the body and life you have always desired. Using everyday foods, herbs, and spices loaded with specific nutrients, vitamins, and minerals, Dr. Gerbstadt shows how you can boost your SKILL© to drop those excess pounds, get trim, prevent illness, reverse the effects of aging, and maintain optimal health.


From the author:


The Doctor's Story

Weight gain was never an issue for me--until it suddenly was!

When I became pregnant at age 46, I developed HELLP syndrome, a type of toxemia or autoimmune disease that can lead to miscarriage and even death. I suffered from excessive fluid accumulation, nausea, fatigue, and chronic pain. The condition caused my blood cells and liver enzymes to break down, which made my liver swell like it does with hepatitis. In fact, it was so swollen that it was on the verge of rupturing, which would have caused instant death. 

My bone marrow stopped producing platelets, which triggered a bleeding disorder where my blood wouldn't clot, and it put me in danger of bleeding to death when I delivered my baby. 
My blood pressure skyrocketed to dangerous levels--almost twice my normal number. My legs felt as thick as an elephant's, and it was so painful to walk I spent most days with my feet propped up and wearing support stockings. The headaches were constant--morning, noon, and night--and they felt like an ice pick was being tapped into my temple. 

Six months into my pregnancy, the fatigue and pain was so severe that I begged to be taken to the hospital. My son, Alex, was born three months early. In essence, I was dying and that was the only way to save me. He was perfectly fine for being 12 weeks premature, but I was stuck in an intensive care unit for five days. I made it through, but realized my entire body had taken a serious blow.

My immune system was severely weakened. My face was covered with open sores. I couldn't walk more than 50 feet without having to stop and catch my breath. My major organs, like my kidneys and liver, were injured and would not function properly. My liver enzymes were still so sky-high I could not metabolize the medication that was supposed to help me. My kidneys couldn't excrete the extra fluids that accumulated from my toes up to my waist and made my lower half puff up like a blowfish. My metabolism was near flat line. I gained 65 pounds, which on my usual 5' 4", 125-pound frame felt like two gigantic burlap bags of rice hung from my shoulders. 

After an initial healing period, I began my journey to reclaim my health and lose the extra 65 pounds I carried. I'd spent my entire 25-plus years of medical life helping others lose weight, and now I had to help myself. But this time I took a different approach from the weight loss diets I knew from my dietetics training. My weight gain was not the direct result of poor eating habits, inactivity, or using high-fat/high-calorie comfort food to soothe emotional issues, which are often the root causes of many weight problems.

I suspected that my weight gain was somehow caused by the breakdown of my major organs and bodily systems. So I took myself back to my med school days to investigate my theory. My desk and dining room table were covered with opened medical books and print outs of scientific studies, and with my glasses balanced on the edge of my nose, I frantically scribbled on a yellow pad trying to keep up with my racing thoughts. I began with a thorough re-examination of the kidney and liver anatomy--the two organs that nearly shut down during my illness-- and explored what relation, if any, did they have to my weight gain. I then expanded my research to look at the other systems and organs that served a similar role as the kidneys and liver: the skin, intestine, and the often ignored lymphatic system, which filters fluid around the cells and is an essential part of the body's immune system.

The more I dug, the more it became apparent that these five organ systems --Skin, Kidney, Intestine, Lymphatic, and Liver, or what I called SKILL©-- were the key to solving my sudden weight gain. I re-educated myself on how each of these systems work and what their role is to keep the body functional. They all work both together and independently to help the body absorb required nutrients and valuable vitamins and minerals--but also capture and flush out toxins and pollutants and waste. They are your body's main filtering and detoxification system. Was there a connection between these systems and organs and weight gain?

What I discovered was surprising--but then again, it really shouldn't have been. 
Three months into this new diet, I also discovered something else. Not only did healing and supporting my body's natural detoxification systems help burn off those extra pounds, it also stabilized my body weight. I didn't regain the weight I'd already lost, and I kept moving in a positive direction. Soon I could walk continuously for 20 minutes. At six months, I could go non-stop for an hour and moved up to power walking. After nine months, I could walk for two hours mixed with spouts of jogging. Within two years, with the help of my detoxification diet, I was back to my pre-pregnancy weight and began training for the Boston Marathon.

My diet worked for me, and I began to wonder if it could help others lose weight too? 
I recommended my detox meal plan to many of my weight-loss clients. They were a diverse group who battled weight issues from many different perspectives: post-pregnancy, poor dietary choices, age and lifestyle changes, and even life-long struggles with being overweight. 
They all found lasting success with my medically and scientifically-based approach to weight management. Their experiences helped me solidify that I discovered something special. It didn't matter how you became overweight, fixing an inefficient detox system can help solve the problem. 
Yes, it sounds simple, but it really is. I know first-hand that a diet built around naturally detoxifying your body can be the most effective way to lose weight-- and keep it off. 

But my exploration into promoting natural detoxification with everyday foods, herbs, and spices also revealed something much larger. My clients found it was more than just a diet. They were finally able to permanently transform their behavior and create lasting change. They rediscovered long-lost energy and were more active than ever before. They were healed of crippling illnesses, such as irritable bowel syndrome, or IBS (which strikes about one-quarter of the population) and GI tract problems. They noticed they seldom caught colds or the flu, and nagging everyday aches and pains disappeared. Their skin glowed, they felt more rested, and they looked younger and healthier. But perhaps most of all, my approach taught them how to create a new life, the kind they always wanted but could never reach. 

This is how the Doctor's Detox Diet® The Ultimate Weight Loss Prescription was created. It is a philosophy that is grounded in science--both medical and nutritional research--not hype, marketing ploys, or celebrity endorsements. You may have attempted other weight-loss plans and failed. You may be weary of the latest-greatest diet that makes grand claims. But trust me: my plan works. Let me show you how you can change your body and your life forever. Just like I did--and so many others like you. 

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