Friday, October 4, 2013

Youtube "Movement Heals" by Dr.Joan Vernikos, who explains how a lifestyle of frequent, low-intensity, non-exercise movement throughout the day is a great way to remain healthier.

Published on 19 Feb 2013

In this 2012 talk at NASA, Dr. Joan Vernikos explains how a lifestyle of frequent, low-intensity, non-exercise movement throughout the day is a great way to remain healthier. 

1 comment:

  1. By logical reasoning, I fully agree with Dr. Joan Vernikos that “a lifestyle of frequent, low-intensity, non-exercise movement throughout the day is a great way to remain healthier”. We may do exercise like running, aerobic dancing, etc to de-stress or to socilaise, etc. But don’t overdo it.

    We are what we eat. What we eat now becomes our physical self later. In my opinion, eating nutritious and healthy home-prepared foods on most days of a week would make us healthier, for example, Monday to Friday (or Monday to Thursday, then Sunday). We may eat some (some only) unhealthy foods or junk foods on the other two days. You may know that artificial dyes derived from petroleum are found in thousands of foods. (For example, see )

    Everyday, I take green smoothie consisting of about 500 grams of vegetables and fruits, and plain water. On most days, I eat at least one meal of 150-gram cereal (or called multigrain rice) consisting of multi whole grains, nuts, bean and seeds and plain water. No added sugar, no added salt, and no added oil. In each week, I also take one or two eggs, about 100-gram lean pork, 300 to 400 grams of sardines and mackerel or other fish.

    I am still a learner of healthy eating and living. The above are my experiences and opinions for your reference. Thanks.
