Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Lactose: Its functions and benefits

Info source: http://www.nestlebaby.com/sg/baby_development/baby_health/importance_of_lactose/

Lactose and its functions
Lactose is the sugar (carbohydrate) found in milk and milk products. It is present in the milk of all mammals, but miraculously cannot be found anywhere else in nature. Here are three ways lactose functions positively in one’s body, which make it crucial for anyone and everyone to have:

1. Lactose aids the absorption of calcium and phosphorus.
2. It supports the growth of friendly bacteria in the human gut. The growth of friendly bacteria helps promote a healthy digestive system.
3. Galactose, the simple sugar found in lactose, carries a role for the development of the brain and nervous system.

Lactose, in breastmilk, is a natural and sole source of carbohydrate which provides a significant supply of energy.

Why it is important
Lactose is important for our diet, because it aids the absorption of calcium and phosphorus. It is thought to support the growth of friendly bacteria needed to fight undesirable organisms and promote health in the human intestine. Lactose is derived from the condensation of galactose and glucose.

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