Friday, December 27, 2013

My super foods for skin

I take the following regularly .

According to , they are super food for skin.


1. Vitamin C rich foods – Vitamin C is important in promoting a healthy skin, and is a common ingredient in skin care products. Lack of vitamin C contributes to dry skin, reduced elasticity and easy bruising. It also makes it more difficult to heal the skin. Foods that are good sources of vitamine C are: kiwi, oranges, red and green capsicums (bell peppers), grapefruit, vegetable and tomato juice, strawberries, broccoli, pineapples, mango and cantaloupe melon.

2. Eggs – eggs contain lutein, which is an antioxidant that helps to maintain the skin positive appearance. Eggs also contain protein which builds the tissue and muscles under the skin that support the way it looks outward.

Note: I take one or two eggs a week .

3. Oily fish – such as salmon, sardines and mackerel contain essential fatty acids, especially omega 3. Omega 3 has an anti inflammatory effect on the skin. Salmon also contains compounds that helps to preserve the skin elasticity.

4. Almonds – Almonds are a great source of vitamin E, which is an important antioxidant that contributes to a healthy cell tissue and cell structure, including skin cells. Almonds are also an excellent source of biotin, which is the most important B vitamin to your skin,  and maintains a healthy skin, hair and nails.

5. Beans – beans also contain biotin. Good sources of biotin are lentils, kidney beans, soybeans and peanuts.

Info source:

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