Monday, January 27, 2014

the eight most important things we can do to safeguard our health, according to Dr Walter Willet

Info source:

In the book " Eat, Drink and Be Healthy --- The Harvard Medical School
Guide to Healthy Eating", Walter C. Willett, M.D., explains the eight most important things we can do to safeguard our health. 

Each of the eight topics has its own chapter, laying out Willett's points then backing them up with copious examples from long-term studies. 

The eight points are:

1. Exercise daily and maintain a healthy weight
2. Eat good fats; avoid bad fats
3. Eat whole grains and foods with a low glycemic index
4. Choose a healthy mix of (largely plant) proteins
5. Eat copious amounts of fruits and vegetables
6. Drink plenty of liquid—and a little alcohol
7. Nurture your bones—but be wary of dairy
8. Take a multivitamin for insurance

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