Monday, February 17, 2014

Alkaline Water: What They Don't Tell You

Alkaline Water Exposed - What They Don't Tell You
Did you know that water can be either naturally alkaline or artificially alkaline?

It's true. Naturally alkaline water has a chemical makeup that differs significantly from artificially alkaline water. More important, however, is the fact that artificially alkaline water causes side effects and should generally be avoided as a daily drinking water.

What they don't tell you...

Reading this report in  
will answer the following questions

What is the difference between naturally and artificially alkaline water?
What are the side effects of drinking artificially alkaline water or ionized water?
Why do people see benefits in the first 30 days of drinking ionized water?
Why does continued consumption result in side effects?
Which water systems create naturally alkaline water?
Are there other important aspects of water besides the pH or alkalinity?

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