Sunday, February 9, 2014

Antioxidant supplements have shown promise for preventing various forms of hearing loss, including age-related hearing loss and hearing damage caused by medications.

Info source:

A study in animals suggests that the supplement lipoic acid might help prevent age-related hearing loss. 4 Another animal study suggests that melatonin may help prevent hearing loss induced by noise. 5

Free radicals are naturally occurring substances that cause damage to many parts of the body, including the ear. Antioxidants are substances that fight free radicals. 

Antioxidant supplements have shown promise for preventing various forms of hearing loss, including age-related hearing loss and hearing damage caused by medications. 6–9 Commonly used antioxidants include the following:

·                           Citrus bioflavonoids
·                           Coenzyme Q 10
·                           Lipoic acid
·                           Lutein
·                           Lycopene
·                           OPCs (oligomeric proanthocyanidins)
·                           Vitamin C
·                           Vitamin E

Other natural treatments sometimes used for various forms of hearing loss, but which lack meaningful scientific support, include folate , manganese, potassium , vitamin B 1 , vitamin B 2 , vitamin B 6 , vitamin B 12 , and zinc .

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