Thursday, February 6, 2014

Causes of elevated homocysteine levels

Causes of elevated homocysteine levels. 

An inadequate intake of B vitamins, as well as genetic factors that affect the body's absorption and use of folic acid, can lead to elevated homocysteine levels. If this is the case, your intake of folic acid has to be higher than the RDA of 400 mcg. Other contributors to elevated homocysteine levels include stress and coffee consumption: the more coffee you drink, the higher your homocysteine levels are likely to be. The stress-induced neurotransmitters epinephrine and norepinephrine are metabolized in the liver via a process that uses methyl groups. This can also increase the need for folic acid. In addition, elevated homocysteine levels may be due to low levels of thyroid hormone, kidney disease, psoriasis and some medications.  

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