Friday, March 21, 2014

Mucusless Diet: what is it?

What is the Mucusless Diet?

Pioneered by Arnold Ehret who believed that the diet was best for healing, he believed that one’s food should be free of mucus and albumin (the long-term benefits of the diet could never be personally verified as Ehret died after falling on a curb and hitting his head two weeks after writing the book in 1922). 

The basics of the diet are ingrained in Ehret’s philosophy that every disease is caused by mucus-clogged systems that results due to the accumulation of unnatural and undigested foods and one could remain healthy if they could remove these obstructions. 

He stated the fruit was the perfect food and along with leafy vegetables was enough to sustain a human being healthily. 

He was also convinced that fasting was the key to maintain one’s health and recommended starting his programme with a two or three day fast and also advocated longer fasts (up to forty days) once the body was used to fasting.

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