Monday, March 10, 2014

Some lists of energy dense, both-energy-nutrient dense, nutrient densefoods

Info source : 
(1) Energy-dense foods: Cookies, cakes, and other baked goods. Fried foods and baked potato products. Most candies and chocolate treats. Cheese and other high-fat dairy products. Red meats. Juices and sodas.

(2) Energy-nutrient-dense foods: Dried fruits, fatty-fish, nuts, seeds, and nut butters. Starchy vegetables and fruits such as peas, corn, and avocados. Olive oil-based salad dressings. Whole wheat bread and other whole grains.

(3) Nutrient-dense foods: Most fruits, non-starchy vegetables, air-popped popcorn, broth-based soups, fat-free dairy products, chicken, pork tenderloin, and most beans.

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