Friday, March 21, 2014

Steve Jobs, Ketosis, Glucose, Ketones, Elisa Zied, Fasting

The following info is from :
Steve Jobs, Ketosis, Glucose, Ketones, Elisa Zied

Steve Jobs would sometimes turn to fasting to create feelings of euphoria and ecstasy. 

What he was most likely experiencing was something called ketosis, which develops after a period of fasting and can lead to mild euphoria. 

When you're eating normally, glucose is the body's primary energy source, Zied explains. 
(Note: Elisa Zied, registered dietitian and contributor and the author of the book, "Nutrition at Your Fingertips."

But when you're fasting, your body creates small chemicals called ketones that act as a substitute for glucose, and can be used for energy by most body cells. 

"If your body makes more ketones than it needs to create energy, a dangerous condition called ketosis develops," Zied says. "This increases the loss of sodium and water from the body and can contribute to nausea, weakness, fatigue."

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