Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Book: The Whole Grain Diet Miracle [by Dr. Lisa Hark (Author), Dr. Darwin Deen (Author)] --- This is the first book that truly explains the health benefits of a whole grain diet.

Note 1 : I ordered this book online mainly for TT on 2014-09-19, Friday at about 10.25 am. This the fourth book I ordered online.

Note 2: The book (hard cover) arrived on 2014-10-14, Tuesday !


On 2014-04-15 (Tuesday) I saw this book at


Book Title: The Whole Grain Diet Miracle (Hardcover)
by Dr. Lisa Hark (Author), Dr. Darwin Deen (Author)

For the first time in history, we can prescribe a weight-loss diet that has a tremendous amount of scientifically proven health benefits. Learn the miracle of whole grains, how they control weight, reduce the risk of colon cancer, diabetes, heart disease, and lower blood pressure. 

Just by eating three servings a day of whole grains you can 

(1) lose weight permanently, 
(2) live longer, 
(3) feel your energy boost, 
(4) prevent heart disease. 

This is the first book that truly explains the health benefits of a whole grain diet.

The first scientific explanation of why whole grains really are a miracle food

The book includes a 6-week guide to everyday eating, 50 recipes to get started cooking with whole grains.

It features  a complete list of whole grains- from the Whole Grain Council

Product Details
Hardcover: 224 pages
Publisher: DK ADULT (April 3, 2006)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0756620589
ISBN-13: 978-0756620585
Product Dimensions: 9.1 x 6.3 x 0.8 inches
Shipping Weight: 1 pounds

Amazon.com Review

As the diet fads ebb and flow, one piece of nutritional wisdom is confirmed in study after study: whole grains are good for you. Eating grains in their natural form, rather than the highly processed carbohydrates we get in most of our modern diet, gives you a broader range of nutrients that can reduce your risk for a whole range of diseases and help you control your weight and blood pressure. And you don't have to sacrifice taste, as these two exclusive recipes featuring whole grains show: Barley with Tilapia, Zucchini, and Cauliflower, and Peach Oat Crisp Ramekins. We asked the authors of The Whole Grain Diet Miracle, Lisa Hark of the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine and Darwin Deen of the Albert Einstein College of Medicine, both leading nutrition educators, some basic questions about their book, The Whole Grain Diet Miracle.

Questions for Lisa Hark and Darwin Deen

Amazon.com: Why isn't whole grain just another food fad?

Hark and Deen: Whole grains have been a part of the human diet since agriculture was invented ten thousand years ago. Hardly a fad. They are coming back into prominence now as we have started to recognize the harm that's done by consuming a diet based on refined carbohydrates.

Amazon.com: Aren't whole grains carbs? Don't carbs make you gain weight?

Hark and Deen: Yes and no. Eating and drinking too many calories makes you gain weight, not too many carbs. All carbs are not created equal, and those that are refined, processed, and contain lots of added sugar increase your hunger and the likelihood that you'll eat too much. Eating the right carbs, such as whole grains in their natural unprocessed form, satisfies your hunger and helps you control your appetite and your weight.

Amazon.com: I grew up on white rice and white bread--whole grains are a bit of an acquired taste. Any suggestions about what I can do to make whole grains more palatable (and more appealing to my kids)?

Hark and Deen: Try making 1/3 of a cup of brown rice and adding it to your white rice. To get the kids to eat whole wheat bread, make sandwiches with one slice of white and one slice of wheat (tell them you ran out of their bread and they had to share yours). As they get used to the taste, they will come to prefer it. We feel that whole grains are so important for kids, we devote an entire section in the book to "Getting Your Kids to Try Whole Grains."

Amazon.com: What are your personal favorite whole grain foods?

Hark and Deen: We like oatmeal, but the more new ways we try grains, the more things we find we like. Bulgur salads are delicious, whole wheat English muffins are so much better than the ones made from refined flour, and spelt or barley in soups adds a great nutty taste and texture.

Amazon.com: There are so many studies out on whole grains right now. Can you tell me the main benefits of eating whole grains?

Hark and Deen: The major benefits are that you get the vitamins and minerals you need in the form that nature intended (not in a pill in amounts that some biochemist has estimated to be correct). In addition, the fiber helps you feel full and regulates your bowel habits. As we document in the book, whole grains reduce your risk of hypertension, heart disease, diabetes, and certain types of cancer. How's that for benefits?

About the Author
Dr. Lisa Hark is a doctor with over 20 years experience in nutrition counseling, an author, and the Director of the Nutrition Education and Prevention Program at the University of Pennsylvania's School of Medicine. She's the host of TLC's new show "Honey, We're Killing the Kids," set to air in January 2006.

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