Thursday, April 3, 2014

Hic’Juice --- A Smoothie & Juice Bar · Health Food Store (of Singapore)

           I was told of this company on 2014-04-03 by Latte who seldom takes fruits and vegetable. 

Hic’Juice --- A Smoothie and Juice Bar · Health Food Store


(The above pictures are from Facebook of Hic'Juice)

(Note: See more pictures below.)

Smoothie and Juice Bar · Health Food Store

Tai Seng Street, Singapore, Singapore 534106

(Info source: )

Hic’Juice is founded by a group of food-junkies-turned-juice-enthusiasts, with the help of a lovely certified nutritionist, to bring the healthy wave of cold pressed organic juices from California to you and me in Singapore.

Many of you would probably be wondering what “raw, organic and cold pressed juices” mean and how is it different from the juices that you can buy from the juicebar, supermarkets or if you squeeze it yourself at home. It is indeed quite a world of difference!

The juices you can normally get on retail are either pasteurized, artificially sweetened or have to be consumed within an hour. There are also very little green juices out there, with the majority being fruit juices with high sugar content. There is a whole wealth of reasons why you should be choosing hic’Juice over them, and convenience is just one of them. We now deliver island-wide, and our juices are freshly pressed the day they are delivered, giving you a full 3 days of shelf life for all its natural goodness contained.

We live and promote a balanced, healthful, and sustainable lifestyle. Feeding your body with whole foods and natural produce is the best long-term strategy for maintaining good health. 

The above pictures are from internet. 

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