Sunday, July 13, 2014

My Healthy Plate by Health Promotion Board, Singapore (My Healthy Plate to replace food pyramid in Health Promotion Board's promotional materials by the end of 2014)

Info source: 
The healthy diet pyramid splashed across the Health Promotion Board's promotional materials will be replaced by the end of the year (2014).

In its place is a visual tool called "My Healthy Plate", which shows what a healthy meal should look like on a plate. 

In any given meal, half of one's plate should be filled with fruits and vegetables. 

A quarter of it should be covered with wholegrains, another quarter with meat and other food groups. 

It also promotes using healthier oil, choosing water over sweetened drinks and being active. 

The healthy diet pyramid splashed across the Health Promotion Board's promotional materials will be replaced by the end of the year. 

In its place is a visual tool called "My Healthy Plate", which shows what a healthy meal should look like on a plate. 

In any given meal, half of one's plate should be filled with fruits and vegetables. 

A quarter of it should be covered with wholegrains, another quarter with meat and other food groups. 

It also promotes using healthier oil, choosing water over sweetened drinks and being active. 

Officiating at the launch (on 2014-07-11, Friday), Parliamentary Secretary for Health Muhammad Faishal Ibrahim says that there have been concerns that Singaporeans have not been eating enough fruits and vegetables, and that they've been consuming more saturated fats. 

"My Healthy Plate has been developed to see how we can encourage Singaporeans to have a balanced diet, to eat healthily in the right proportions. It provides a good quantitative reference to them. It's also something that's practical, easy, something they can relate to."

HPB says My Healthy Plate serves as motivation, instead of a prescriptive tool for Singaporeans to eat a balanced meal.

The following is from 

The following is from

What is My Healthy Plate?

My Healthy Plate is a friendly visual tool designed for Singaporeans by the Health Promotion Board (HPB). It is developed with the latest science-based recommendations on healthy eating habits and aims to provide an easy-to-understand visual representation of a balanced and healthy diet.

This tool can be used to help you remember and practise healthy habits that aid with weight control and protect against chronic diseases (such as Diabetes), which is a major health issue in Singapore.

Note: Individuals with specific dietary requirements or existing medical conditions are advised to check with their healthcare providers on whether My Healthy Plate meets their dietary requirements.

My Healthy Plate's key eating habits are:
Fill half your plate with Fruit & Vegetables 
Fill a quarter of your plate with Whole-grains
Fill a quarter of your plate with Meat & Others
It should also be complemented with the following:

Use or choose healthier oils for your meals
Choose water over sweetened beverages

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