Thursday, July 10, 2014

What is a VLCD (very low-calorie diet) !

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What is a VLCD?

How is obesity treated?

Obesity is treated using one or more of these strategies:

  • a diet low in calories
  • increased physical activity
  • behavior therapy
  • prescription medications
  • weight-loss surgery

A VLCD is a special diet that provides up to 800 calories per day. VLCDs use commercial formulas, usually liquid shakes, soups, or bars, which replace all your regular meals. These formulas are not the same as the meal replacements you can find at grocery stores or pharmacies, which are meant to replace one or two meals a day.

Depending on a number of factors, healthy adults need different amounts of calories to meet their daily energy needs. A standard amount is about 2,000 calories. VLCDs provide far fewer calories than most people need to maintain a healthy weight. This type of diet is used to promote quick weight loss, often as a way to jump-start an obesity treatment program.

VLCD formulas are designed to provide all of the nutrients you need while helping you lose weight quickly. However, this type of diet should only be used for a short time—usually about 12 weeks.

For more info, please visit

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