Sunday, August 3, 2014

How to Heal Cavities and Tooth Decay Naturally

What foods to eat

Vegetables – Vegetables are rich in fiber, which keeps saliva flowing and create mineral defenses against tooth decay.

Calcium – Your teeth and jaws are mostly made up of calcium. Without it, you are at risk of developing gum disease and tooth decay. So if you don’t consume enough calcium, then do so! Calcium can be found in lots of food and drinks such as milk, yogurt and cheese. But don’t worry if you are lactose intolerant or following a dairy-free diet. Vegetables such as spinach, kale and broccoli are also very high in calcium, as well as boasting other vital nutrients that are great for you. Read here more about better sources of calcium than dairy products.

Magnesium – Helps in creating alkaline environment in the blood, is essential for creating vitamin D and required for the metabolism of calcium. Can be found in green leaves, seeds, almonds, beans, fish, avocado and banana.

Vitamin D – The sun provides a great source of vitamin D, but I’m not asking you to smile up at the sun every day. That’s entirely up to you.  You can simply eat foods that are rich in Vitamin D, such as, oily fish (salmon, sardines and mackerel), eggs and milk. You can also buy over-the-counter vitamin D supplements after consulting with your doctor. Read here more about 12 common diseases caused by vitamin D deficiency.

Healthy Fat – Healthy fat (such as omega-3) is good for you!…In moderation, of course.

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