Monday, November 3, 2014

Dr. Dale E. Bredesen's Program: Reversal of cognitive decline: A novel therapeutic program - AGING Journal -

Reversal of cognitive decline: A novel therapeutic program - AGING Journal
By Dr. Dale E. Bredesen

The following is from the above web link:

Patient three: history

A 55-year-old attorney suffered progressively severe memory loss for four years. She accidentally left the stove on when she left her home on multiple occasions, and then returned, horrified to see that she had left it on once again. 

She would forget meetings, and agree to multiple meetings at the same time. Because of an inability to remember anything after a delay, she would record conversations, and she carried an iPad on which she took copious notes (but then forgot the password to unlock her iPad). She had been trying to learn Spanish as part of her job, but was unable to remember virtually anything new. 

She was unable to perform her job, and she sat her children down to explain to them that they could no longer take advantage of her poor memory, that instead they must understand that her memory loss was a serious problem. Her children noted that she frequently became lost in mid-sentence, that she was slow with responses, and that she frequently asked if they had followed up on something she thought she had asked them to do, when in fact she had never asked them to do the tasks to which she referred.

Her homocysteine was 9.8μmol/l, CRP 0.16mg/l, 25-OH cholecalciferol 46ng/ml, hemoglobin A1c 5.3%, pregnenolone 84ng/dl, DHEA 169ng/dl, estradiol 275pg/ml, progesterone 0.4ng/ml, insulin 2.7μIU/ml, AM cortisol 16.3mcg/dl, free T3 3.02pg/ml, free T4 1.32ng/l, and TSH 2.04mIU/l.
After five months on the therapeutic program, she noted that she no longer needed her iPad for notes, and no longer needed to record conversations. She was able to work once again, was able to learn Spanish, and began to learn a new legal specialty. Her children noted that she no longer became lost in mid-sentence, no longer thought she had asked them to do something that she had not asked, and answered their questions with normal rapidity and memory.

Patient three: therapeutic program:

She began on the following parts of the therapeutic system: 

(1) she fasted for a minimum of three hours between dinner and bedtime, and for a minimum of 12 hours between dinner and breakfast; 

(2) she eliminated simple carbohydrates and processed foods from her diet

(3) she increased consumption of vegetables and fruits, limited consumption of fish to non-farmed, and did not eat meat; 

(4) she exercised 4-5 times per week; 

(5) she took melatonin 0.5mg po qhs, and tried to sleep as close to 8 hours per night as her schedule would allow; 

(6) she tried to reduce stress in her life with meditation and relaxation; 

(7) she took methylcobalamin 1mg 4x/wk and pyridoxine-5-phosphate 20mg each day; 

(8) she took citicoline 200mg each day; 

(9) she took vitamin D3 2000IU per day and CoQ10200mg per day; 

(10) she took DHA 700mg and EPA 500mg bid; 

(11) her primary care provider prescribed bioidentical estradiol with estriol (BIEST), and progesterone; 

(12) her primary care provider worked with her to reduce her bupropion from 150mg per day to 150mg 3x/wk.

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