Thursday, December 18, 2014

100-yrar-old surgeon Dr. Ellsworth Wareham has been a vegan since midlife.

The following is extracted from


100-year-old surgeon, WWII vet who retired at age 95 shares secrets to longevity

By Melinda Carstensen

Published December 16, 2014


"Today, being a surgeon is like being a commercial airline pilot: One must complete hundreds of hours of educational training before flying solo with human lives in his or her hands. But back in 100-year-old Dr. Ellsworth Wareham’s day, surgeons studied diagrams and simulated human procedures on dogs before operating on a patient by themselves."

" Maintaining his good health has no doubt been made easier due to the ideals of Wareham’s religion and community. Loma Linda has one of the highest concentrations of Seventh-Day Adventists in the world, and living a healthy lifestyle is the faith’s main ideal. The town has banned smoking, and alcohol is scarcely sold. As a result, Loma Linda is the only so-called “Blue Zone” of the U.S., an area where men and women live measurably longer lives than the average American.

Wareham himself adopted a vegan diet in midlife after reading research that showed animal protein raises cholesterol. He credits his good health— and his clearness of mind, the thing he’s most grateful for today— in large part to that decision.

Although he retired from operating in the surgical unit at Loma Linda University at age 74, Wareham mentored and assisted residents at the university until age 95."

For the full report, please visit


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